TikTok pattern targets college cleaning soap dispensers | Schooling

School toilets are the target of a Tiktok challenge where students record how they damaged the rooms, including pulling sinks, toilets and soap dispensers from the walls.

Courtney Talak

A new TikTok viral challenge is giving local schools a headache, with soap dispensers being the most popular target.

TikTok, a social media platform for short video clips, has grown in popularity in the past few months. One current challenge is for students to record themselves pulling sinks, toilets, and soap dispensers off bathroom walls, along with other damage.

Overall, the local counties reported that the damage is minor and is being handled by maintenance staff at no great cost to the counties.

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Castle Rock Superintendent Ryan Greene said two soap dispensers have been removed from walls recently.

Greene said part of the challenge is that it’s hard to tell who did it, even if the district can find the video online.

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Woodland Superintendent Michael Green said there was only “one incident that we investigated and treated” when a soap dispenser and sink handle were damaged.

TikTok challenges are “alive and well in student culture,” he said.

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Longview had no reported incidents to date, spokesman Rick Parrish said, and Kalama spokesman Nick Shanmac said the same thing, although “those primarily responsible were aware”.

“We are aware of the TikTok phenomenon, but to date we have not heard any damage to our bathrooms,” said Parrish.

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