Viral TikTok reveals find out how to discover hidden cameras at Airbnb leases

KANSAS CITY, Missouri – A viral video on TikTok gets a lot of attention after a cybersecurity expert revealed how easy it is for Airbnb hosts to hide surveillance cameras on their property.

Hidden device tracking experts say there are easy ways to find the devices.

They say that you can easily search for recording devices by aiming a light into a hidden camera lens

The camera lenses will reflect a blue or red color when struck with a light.

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Typical areas where you should look for hidden cameras include devices such as alarm clocks, smoke detectors or shower heads.

Another suggestion from experts is to download the free smartphone app “fing”.

“The Fing app allows you, when you enter a room, if you have the WiFi password, log into that network and see a list of all the devices currently on that network,” Thomas Ham, Spy Catchers LLC, said . “It tries its best to give you an idea of ​​what each device is. Whether cell phone, IP camera or the like. “

Airbnb has rules to protect its guests from hidden recording devices.

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