The Good, Unhealthy & Kinda Bizarre Workout routines Folks Attempt On TikTok – SheKnows
Many of us joined TikTok in the middle of the pandemic to help deal with this pandemic. In addition to its fun voice-over gags and fancy travel roles, FitTok workouts has become a popular fitness part of TikTok that makes us feel better (especially if you’re over 30 and using TikTok).
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In FitTok, influencers share a variety of fast and viral workouts that pretty much cover the spectrum of the good, bad, and weird. If you want to get fit in 30 seconds or less, here’s what you should know about FitTok workouts.
The good
According to Danny Saltos of Train With Danny (TikTok: @trainwithdanny), the future of fitness is moving more towards platforms like TikTok.
“It’s easy, digestible, and you can literally find something new every day,” he says. “Let’s be honest, it’s fun and allows us to connect with millions of people from all over the world.”
Compared to a pre-TiKTok time (if you can remember such an era) Saltos says one of the great things about FitTok accounts is accessibility. “If you wanted to speak to some of the best personal trainers twenty years ago, you would never stand a chance. Now you have the best of the best at your disposal. The reputable trainers who keep their own accounts will respond and get in touch with their audience. Ask away! We will gladly answer your questions. “
He also likes it for his commitment and support in the community: “TikTok is a great place to be part of a fitness community. It’s not just about liking a post, but because you can comment and connect with others, it’s like stepping into a virtual gym. “
Janelle Ginestra (@janelleginestra at TikTok), who reached virus status with her series of blood-pumping, high-intensity dance workouts at TikTok, also likes FitTok’s sense of community.
“Transformations are one of my favorite trends at FitTok,” she says. “I think it’s great that people, with their mental and physical commitment, can feel like their most self-confident selves everywhere. I feel inspired to watch these videos and I am honored that there are people out there who are transforming themselves through Naughty Girl Fitness right now. “
Saltos’ favorite FitTok accounts include: @trainwithdanny (“duh!”) @Melissawoodhealth and @blogilatesofficial. Ginestra also likes @blogilatesofficial as well as her own content (of course).
The bad
Somersaults are also careful with FitTok accounts. “Be careful and have a plan when it comes to your health. It’s okay to use TikTok workouts occasionally when you’re trying to do something different, or just want to spice things up from your normal routine, but you should always have a basic plan to follow. “
He also points out that, as with all social media platforms, there is no review process for posting content on TikTok.
“Anyone can publish a training course and call themselves an expert,” he says. “A fit woman with a six pack can post ‘Four Must-Do Moves for a Shredded Six Pack’ and no one would doubt she knew what she was talking about. I mean, she has a six-pack, she looks super fit, and she has the body that I wanted. The sad truth is that 99 percent of the fitness stuff you see online is complete junk. I’ve spent a lot of time on social media and most of the things I see are posted by people who don’t have a fitness background, certifications, or credentials. They are just fit for people who publish content. “
Saltos says this is a problem because programming a workout is not only an art, it also requires knowledge and understanding of the human body. “Everyone, and I mean, anyone can throw three exercises together and call them a circuit. Does that mean they are good for you? Most of the time, the answer is no. You need to be careful what you see, especially if you have any pre-surgery injuries. “
Luis Cervantes, certified personal trainer and dance cardio instructor at STEEZY Studio, says the biggest disadvantage of FitTok is not knowing which workouts are safe or effective in the first place.
“Knowing what is correct and what is worth getting a second opinion can be difficult, especially if you are not in the fitness industry,” he says. “A good way to make sure you’re getting the right information is to check your sources. Just like doing research online, you want to make sure that your sources are credible and trustworthy (i.e. certified personal trainers, physical therapists, chiropractors, exercise and sports scientists, etc.). “
Plus, says Cervantes, it never hurts to get a second opinion: “So when you’re asking if something is correct, dig a little more to the side or ask someone you know who works in the field.”
The comparison game, which is all too common on social media, is another downside of FitTok, says Ginestra.
“The pressure is on the bottom line. There are body proportions that not everyone can or should fit, and there is pressure to look like certain TikTok models or influencers. The most important part of exercising is feeling proud, comfortable, and confident about your body and transforming yourself to achieve your own personal goals, not someone else’s expectations for the beautiful. “
The funny one
There are a lot of weird workouts on FitTok too, such as the Japanese ab roller which basically involves rolling up a towel and placing it on top. This is why Saltos says it’s important to pay attention to who and what you are following when it comes to fitness.
“You wouldn’t hire someone who isn’t qualified to be your personal trainer, and the same logic applies when looking for fitness advice on Tiktok,” he says. “Look for explanations and those who speak on the subject, not those who just post cool videos and pictures.”
Before you head out, check out the gym accessories that we’re obsessed with:
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