Olympic “Rave Horse” goes viral on TikTok
The youngsters discovered dressage for themselves. And they love it.
An excerpt from the Olympic Grand Prix dressage musical freestyle by Steffan Peters (USA) and his horse Suppenkasper (Mopsi) went viral on the TikTok app at the weekend. Users appreciated the music choices: a mix of electronic dance and “house” music, and how well it syncs with the movements. A five-time Olympian, Peters is known for his progressive music selections, having driven to David Bowie, Kanye West and Queen tracks in the past.
The TikTok video was made by someone who watched the competition on TV. At some point she yells to another person from the off: “Alex, come on, take a look at this rave horse.” Raves are electronic music dance parties that dance all night long. Mopsi soon became known as the “Rave Horse” in the app. By Saturday evening, the video had been viewed nearly 9 million times.
Peters scored 80.968 percent and finished 10th in the competition, but based on comments on the video, he and Mopsi won the hearts of Gen Y.
“This horse understood and mastered the task,” said one commentator with the ID jake.zander5797.
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“Give the horse the gold,” added a commenter going from britanyfurian
Check out the TikTok viral video below:
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The record producer who combined the tracks, Taylor Kade, soon released his own TikTok, which shows a bit of the work behind the scenes:
The video’s popularity quickly spread to other social media, with the official Olympic Twitter account joining in the fun:
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