Instagram™ Suggestions For Higher Engagement

Do you get frustrated when you take a lot of time to compose an Instagram ™ post and then hear a cricket? I am here to help you solve this problem! Learn how to get more followers to comment on your Instagram ™ posts and engage with your content! a business owner, there never seems to be enough time to cross everything off our to-do list. Discover five Instagram ™ tips that will encourage your followers to comment more.

In this blog post:

# 1 Instagram ™ Tips for Better Engagement: Heart of Previous Posts Comments when posting something new

First, let’s talk about how to drop a heart in the comments. For example, suppose I am sharing an Instagram ™ post on Wednesday. I’ll go back and like comments on my Monday and Tuesday posts.

You’re probably wondering why I make an effort to like older comments. Well, with the comments in my heart, these accounts will be notified. This will bring you back to my Instagram ™ account. Then they’re more likely to come into my new post and leave a comment.

Remember, the more busy you are with an Instagram ™ account, the more likely you are to see it. It’s an important part of working with (not against) the algorithm.

# 2 Instagram ™ Tips for Better Engagement: Ask Questions

Okay, what do you do if someone leaves a comment on your Instagram ™ post? Hopefully you at least like the comment. But I encourage you to go one step further.

When someone took the time to leave an amazing comment on your post, move on.

Sue B. Pro Tip: Ask the person who left a comment to tag three of their friends who might want to learn more about your content.

Trust me it works every time! When I do that, I get loads of tags, which leads to more engagement and followers.

# 3 Instagram ™ Tips for Better Engagement: Send your Instagram ™ post to your followers who you know would appreciate them

This Instagram ™ tip is not a uniform approach. The last thing you want to do is spam. Tagging your followers randomly leads to a lot of inconsequences (and possibly some blocks).

Instead, send them a personalized direct Instagram ™ message. Let them know why you thought they would appreciate this Instagram ™ post. When you add that personal touch, your reach will instantly turn from spam to thoughtful.

To send an Instagram post, tap the airplane icon under the post. Then you can compose and send your personalized message.

# 4 Instagram ™ Tips for Better Engagement: Use @Mention on the comment thread

Another option if you don’t want to send a direct message to Instagram ™ is to mention an account in the comments. Even when you are in public contact, the same feeling applies as when you send a direct Instagram ™ message.

Only mention someone if you actually think they will like the content. Also, don’t mention them in every post. Sure, they might love your content. You don’t have to deal with every post you share, however.

Sue B. Pro Tip: You can only @mention five people at a time. Choose wisely!

If you’re still not sure about the difference between tagging and @mentioning, check out this YouTube video.

# 5 Instagram ™ Tips for Better Engagement: Send a voice message if someone likes your content but isn’t following you

Finally, what do you do if someone likes your post but doesn’t follow your account? There is a simple solution. Send them a voice message through Instagram ™ Direct Message and thank them for liking your content.

This is also a good opportunity to ask them why they liked your post. Just make sure to add text to your message so that they have context as to why you are reaching out to them. Every time I add the URL of the Instagram ™ posting they like, they know exactly what I’m talking about.

Are you ready to take the next step in building a highly engaged Instagram ™ community? Grab your place in my free training

Check out my FREE 3 Key Training to find out how to use more strategy to get your ideal clients in less time! You’ll also learn about the three visual secrets that will turn your Instagram ™ profile into a magnet for buyers.

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