Asserting expanded performance in Restricted Login
Today we announce that we have extended the restricted login functionality to include user_friends, user_birthday and user_age_range permissions, which are currently in beta. Update your Facebook iOS SDK to version 9.2+ or Facebook SDK for Unity to version 9.1+ to implement the latest version of Limited Login with support for user_friends, user_birthday and user_age_range. The earlier version of Limited Login, which only supports name, profile picture and email, is available from version 9.0.
With the restricted login, developers receive data at a certain point in time (if the user agrees to the FB login). This means that developers cannot continuously update user data by calling FB APIs with an access token. This new approach has minimal impact on data that changes infrequently or not at all, such as: B. user_birthday and user_email. For more dynamic user data, such as For example, using the user’s friends list, developers can re-authenticate users at any time. In addition, developers can view new friends in in-app experiences for the user_friends permission, as long as the Friends connection appears in one or more users’ friends lists
As a reminder: Facebook Login now supports two different modes: Classic Login and Limited Login. Your app will pass a flag to Facebook indicating which mode you’ve chosen for each of your users:
- The restricted login is based on the OpenID Connect standard. When using this restricted version of Facebook Login, developers will receive user data at a certain point in time. The fact that a person has used Facebook Login with this iOS app is not used to personalize or measure advertising effectiveness. Note that restricted login mode uses a JSON web token that does not support Graph API queries. Today Limited supports login name, profile picture, email address, friends list, birthday and age group.
- The classic login mode remains unchanged from the login product that you and your users already know and love. It allows users to create new accounts or access existing accounts while your app can access Facebook data (with Facebook consent and user consent) to improve their experience in your app. Note that classic login mode uses an oAuth 2.0 access token that supports Graph API queries.
The modes are interoperable (meaning you can update a user’s mode at any time) and can be used under certain conditions. Regardless of the mode chosen, users can always control the Facebook data they have granted your app through their apps and website settings.
For more information on this new version of Facebook Login, including implementation documentation and frequently asked questions, please visit
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