Assembly the problem of TikTok | Letters to the Editor

The school has taken action by closing the boys’ toilets resulting in them having to go to the office to use the toilet. But we can’t just rely on the office bathrooms. So what do we do

Get rid of TikTok (main source)? But we are in 2021, where as soon as you put something on the internet, it lands on every social media platform in existence. So yes, we can delete or get rid of TikTok, but then there are Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to name a few. So getting rid of TikTok really isn’t going to do anything other than cause more problems.

Then what is the real solution? What can we do? Well there could be a few ways to slow the problem down.

One possibility is to use key cards or ID cards to get into the bathroom. This enables us to ensure that no uninvited afternoon visitors get into the toilets to destroy them. Another option is that we can use subscribe / unsubscribe sheets. These could be very helpful in keeping track of who went to the bathroom and when. So if we were to look at surveillance cameras, we would know which child went to the bathroom and when.

One solution parents could help with is to see what websites they’re on right now when your child is on their device. If they’re on a Devious Licks site, you can talk to them and get them to quit before school steps in.

All in all, the solution is not one hundred percent clear, but talking to your children can do more than you think.

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